Yep, there’s that unicorn again, we hear you say. It may be a big call for some, but not for BuyTVMedia. And it all comes down to some pretty simple elements we have in spades;

  • Experience in all things TV Advertising

  • Extensive knowledge of TV media and planning
  • Great Relationships with the TV Stations
  • Our buying power means you get Discounted TV rates
  • A great team of professional media experts

We’re TRUE TV Advertising specialists dedicated to delivering our clients results.

So what sort of TV advertising do we specialise in? That’s simple – ALL of it. As long as it’s moving pictures in a video format, we’re great at it, including Free to Air TV, Foxtel, Regional TV, program integration, video pre-roll, catch-up TV, Social including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.

Want to get started? Try our media calculator to get an idea of what you’d get for your budget, then complete the brief, and we’ll get straight back to you. It’s fast, efficient and tailored to your needs. Maybe we’re not a unicorn, but that’s pretty close to having superpowers these days.

Still need some convincing? Give us a call. You’ll be amazed.


What will my budget get me?

Want to get a quick idea of what sort of impression you might get for your budget? Try our BTM Calculator

Schedules, spot numbers and reach figures are accurate at the time of publication. Availability of airtime is subject to change without notice. Where programs are unavailable, they will be replaced with similar programming to achieve the total reach figures.

TV commercials created by Buy TV Media are available to use exclusively thru Buy TV Media.

All clients will receive a complete post campaign report

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