Looking for a fast, efficient way to buy tv advertising across multiple channels including free to air, Foxtel and Catch Up?

One company does it all at the lowest rates at the same time?

At BuyTVMedia, we offer you the best rates and years of TV advertising  success to deliver the best programming recommendations. Our clients call us TV MEDIA MAGICIANS!


The why is because we are single minded, focused and are great negotiators, forged by long-term relationships. We don’t profess to be all things to all people. We’re just great TV ad media professionals. True specialists in our field.

Unlike our competitors, we personalise your TV media schedules, ensuring you get the best program placements to reach your target audience and your budget. That means no midnight to dawn ads and junk shows AND we provide full post campaign reports.

Ready to get started? Check out our media calculator – it’s a great way to get an idea of what you’ll get for your money, then send us a brief to personalise your schedule. It’s that easy! Need to chat? Give us a call on 1300 558 007; we’d love to take your call.


What will my budget get me?

Want to get a quick idea of what sort of impression you might get for your budget? Try our BTM Calculator

Schedules, spot numbers and reach figures are accurate at the time of publication. Availability of airtime is subject to change without notice. Where programs are unavailable, they will be replaced with similar programming to achieve the total reach figures.

TV commercials created by Buy TV Media are available to use exclusively thru Buy TV Media.

All clients will receive a complete post campaign report

I’d like to get a get qoute designed specifically to suit my target audience.